Upcoming Schedule
January 25th
7:30 PM Start
Bangor, ME
[ map ][ event ]
IMAGINE - The Beatles Solo Years
[ tickets ]
The Gracie theatre
[ 207-941-7888 ]
January 31st
8:00 PM Start
Wellesley, MA
[ map ]
Gary Backstrom Lockheart Restaurant
[ 781-943-3737 ]
February 2nd
5:00 PM Start
Salem, MA
[ map ]
Gary Backstrom Brodie's Seaport
[ 978-594-8490 ]
Special Guest w/
Chris Fitz
Sunday Funday

❝ The Story ❞ Music Video

* * * Limited edition t-shirt now available * * *

I thoroughly enjoyed the show: inventive, infectious, always shifting, pushing boundaries, never resting in the familiar territory. You communicated beautifully, including singing—you didn’t hold back, and that’s impressive. I’m in awe of your playing, and as I mentioned your lock-in with the incredible drummer, who I really enjoyed, especially just coming from the drum group. It was also fun to be with your long-time fans singing along. Keep me posted for the next one. I don’t want to miss it.      - Dan D., Natick, Mass. February 8th 2020

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For more information or to schedule lessons, studio work, and weddings,
please call 978-223-3269 or write info@garybackstrom.com

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info@garybackstrom.com     •     978.223.3269